DARLING Packaging
This project was in collaboration with JWT Mumbai Design team where we started the work from a basic idea given by JWT team for the design approach to take. We have gone through several round of iteration to make a complete family of products with different sizes and different product like gel, crème and serums – but keeping the family look intact. We had done CNC cut wooden dummy model in 1st round of check for the appearance and usability. Bigger sizes model came out with unfavorable feedback for usability – which was difficult to hold by single hand. We changed the design with handle. We did complete engineering for the product family and made Rapid Protypes for checking the content filling and labelling. We released KLD for label design from the 3D models made to help JWT for label design and manufacturer to make shrink sleeve. This whole project was a stretched for a long duration of 11 months almost and several stake holders were involved.