The way things moved since early 2020 – was not expected but inevitable. We were so fast in development for anything and even in thinking and building out own habits – as if we were in a programmed lifestyle: we wake up every day – tending to move up, get ready and move on the road – get stuck in traffic for hours -either for our own business, for a job or for college or school – typical urban lifestyle.

This time someone PAUSED everything. We entered home and get locked. Work from Home became new culture. Working for home became new lifestyle. Having fun and enjoy indoor became new entertainment. We used to move out a lot for client meeting to get brief – marketing team used to call us for a meeting for each small things and sometime with zero decisions, we used to fly so frequently from one city to another to meet corporates, businesses, manufacturers, innovators, institutions and understand the product, manufacturing, packaging, business and strategy – all these got vanished in few months : urgency became “call me later” – projects started becoming redundant or irreverent – all were in cocoon within few day – LOCKDOWN!

It was a big slap on all of us who forgot the importance of our existence. All our team members got locked inside their own house – few carried their laptops and some with full office desktops – we must WORK FROM HOME – but noneknowsWHAT to work and HOW to work in an environment which is completely different. Some managed but few couldn’t – just because the position and space – Its India and most of us don’t have a separate table or workstation at home to work or even not having a dedicated room. Family also became demandingas we are at home 😊… its natural. But at the same time – WORK HOUR became infinite – almost all the time we are at work!

Design business for us became standstill for a year almost as most of the projects became either obsolete or delayed. Later part of the year 2020 – some projects of Sanitizer packaging and branding projects and few branding projects kept us floating. We had to close-down one of twodesign studios as none were there except our computers and other accessories. Somehow all of us became partially nonperformer or better say work-paralyzed too – may be because of uncertainty, lack of motivation& interaction or sometime just because of lack of clear time to think for doing design or innovate for our own self too. Our screen time increased drastically – virtual meetings became pain for us despite of not having good number of projects to work or reenergize ourselves to do something interesting being creative people – who needs teaser or challenges to innovate or do new things …

At the end, we all are humans – typically got escaped and still alive (many thanks to Almighty)–with burnt fingers, partially broken health, and crushed bank accounts – energized with big hopes and aspirations to grow, do better every day and innovate for NEW LIFESTYLE and NEW MARKET STYLE! Let’s be there – 2022.