“Brand”: A Character – can be believed, loved, and can win hearts. An Identity or a Logo is just a face it which we see but it is having a full body that works with all senses in it. Today’s Brand is not just a part of a label or advertisement – but also interacts with emotion and experiences and gets engaged with customers with a deep relation like a buddy by side to a wise uncle at the time of need. The brand is always having a promise and a mechanism to deliver either in the form of products or services.

Designing of the Brand starts with “UNDERSTANDING” the brand from inside till the tip of the effects that go down to the end usage & after usage – may be in the form of Services or Products. All inputs are basically from Marketing & Brand Management Team, but we do consider taking inputs from sales, service, dealers, or even retainers whenever applicable. We script the BRAND STORY which gives a direction to brand personification or building a character. Ideas are presented in visual form along with keywords and tag lines. It’s a whole Identity System presented to have a clean and complete understanding of the Brand & Marketing team.
Every brand must have its own language to connect with the market and end users. There is a primary user to a tertiary user who may be a stakeholder in the business. This language is in the form of different design applications which are being derived and developed using the visual language, color pallet, logo, illustrations, tone of voice, etc. There is a complete creative science of brand expressions that makes every brand unique, distinct, and different from others – helps to stand up and rise above all in the middle of the very much competitive market where everyone is shouting to make some noises!

Once the Brand gets the shape – it needs a BOOK that will help everyone inside the brand live with it. You may name it BRAND BOOK or BRAND GUIDELINE. This will help the brand manager to understand the brand and guide each stake holders whoever is using the brand identity system or elements. The brand manager must have the authority to control each output creatives/visuals goes out for print media and advertising. This book will help any brand to retain or maintain its shape/looks of it as well as will indicate the requirements or necessity to evolve to the next stage or additional areas to develop further when it is getting maturity with the usage in different applications.